

Great Ideas in Learning & Control Theory - Fall 2023 (Q2)  

Instructor (Lectures),

Uppsala University

Automatic Control II - Fall 2023 (Q1)  

Instructor (Lectures),

Uppsala University

Automatic Control II - Spring 2023 (Q4)  

Instructor (Lectures),

Uppsala University

Automatic Control II - Fall 2022 (Q1)  

Instructor (Exercise sessions),

Uppsala University

Signaalanalyse (WB2235) - Spring 2022 (Q3)  


Delft University of Technology

Undergraduate Research Program - Fall 2022

Student Mentor,

Delft University of Technology

Signaalanalyse (WB2235) - Spring 2021 (Q3)  


Delft University of Technology

Undergraduate Research Program - Fall 2019

Student Mentor,

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Time Series Analysis (ISYE 6100) - Fall 2019  


Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Undergraduate Research Program - Spring 2019

Student Mentor,

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Undergraduate Research Program - Fall 2018  

Student Mentor,

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Introduction to Cyber-Physical Systems  (ISYE 4960/6960) - Fall 2018  


Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Undergraduate Research Program - Spring 2018  

Student Mentor,

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Systems Modeling in Decision Sciences (ISYE 6610) - Spring 2018  


Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Operations Research Method (ISYE 4600) - Spring 2018  


Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Undergraduate Research Program - Fall 2017

Student Mentor,

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Time Series Analysis (ISYE 6100) - Fall 2017


Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Undergraduate Research Project - Spring 2017

Student Mentor,

University of Pennsylvania

Undergraduate Research Project - Spring 2016

Student Mentor,

University of Pennsylvania

Large Scale Stochastic Adaptive Systems (18-799 PP/R) - Fall 2012

Teaching Assistant,

Carnegie Mellon University 

Linear Systems (18/24-771 A) - Fall 2011

Teaching Assistant,

Carnegie Mellon University

Nonlinear Control System (18-879 T/PR) - Spring 2011

Teaching Assistant,

Carnegie Mellon University & Instituto Superior Técnico



Postdoctoral researchers

Doctoral students 

Alessandro Varalda

(expected graduation Fall 2028)

Ph.D. in Automatic Control, Uppsala University

(co-advised with André M. H. Teixeira)

Thesis Topic 

Closing the loop in real-time cyber-neural systems

Max Sibeijn

(expected graduation Fall 2026)

Ph.D. in Systems and Control, Delft University of Technology

(co-advised with Tamás Keviczky and Mohammad Khosravi)

Thesis Topic 

Distributed control of heating plants

Master-level Research Project

Andrei Lixandru

(Graduation September 2023)

M.Sc. in Computer Science

Radboud University (jointly advised with Marcel van Gerven)


Distributed Fractional-PID Optimization - From theory to practice


Postdoctoral researchers

Mohammad Shokri

(from Summer 2021 to Summer 2023)

(co-advised with Laura Ferranti)

Delft Center for Systems and Control, 

Delft University of Technology

Guilherme Ramos

(From Spring 2020 to Fall 2022)

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,

Faculdade de Engenharia, University of Porto

(co-advised with A. Pedro Aguiar)


Doctoral students 

Jingwei Dong 

(Graduation Fall 2023)

Ph.D. in Systems and Control, Delft University of Technology

(co-advised with Peyman Mohajerin Esfahani)

Thesis Topic 

Optimization-based Approaches for Fault Detection and Estimation with applications to health-monitoring of energy systems

Emily Reed 

(Graduated Summer 2023)

Ph.D. in Electrical, Computer & Systems Engineering, University Southern California

(co-advised with Paul Bogdan)

Thesis Topic 

Cyber-fractional systems and their applications in epilepsy



Sarthak Chatterjee, Ph.D 

(Graduated Summer 2021)

Ph.D. in Electrical, Computer & Systems Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Thesis Topic 

Analysis and Design of Closed-loop Fractional-order Systems and its Applications to Neurotechnology



Visiting students

Matilde Farinha

(from February  to May 2019)

Industrial and Systems Engineering Department, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute


Complete Directed Graph Equilibrium Propagation: Searching for a Biologically Plausible Model for Neural Networks


Pedro Ferreira

(from February  to May 2019)

Industrial and Systems Engineering Department, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute


The Fall of Homo Economicus: The Role of Cognitive Biases and Theory of Mind in Human Coordination


Master research projects mentored

João Carvalho

(co-advised with A. Pedro Aguiar, 2015)


Distributed Verification of Structural Controllability


Jingqi Li

(co-advised with Ximing Chen, Victor Preciado and George Pappas, 2019)


A structural approach to the control, design, and analysis of networked dynamical systems


M.Sc. students

Hassan Soltani

(Graduation September 2023)

M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering

Uppsala University


Design, analysis and applications of fractional proportional-integrative-derivative controller

Rana Faheem Iftikhar

(Graduation June 2023)

M.Sc. in Computer and Information Engineering (Embedded Systems)

Uppsala University


Stabilization of Multi-Hop Control Networks Subject to Malicious Attacks 

Halithan Cetin

(Graduated April 2023)

M.Sc. in Systems and Control

Delft University of Technology


Closed-loop control of smart digestible medical pills

Femke van Engen

(Graduated December 2022)

M.Sc. in Systems and Control

Delft University of Technology


A dynamic systems approach for studying meditation

Mahalakshmi Sathyanarayanan

(graduated November 2021)

M.Sc. in Systems and Control

Delft University of Technology


A systems approach for monitoring anesthesia

Hubald Verzijl

(graduated October 2021)

M.Sc. in Systems and Control, jointly with M.Sc. in Technical Medicine

Delft University of Technology


Fractional-Order model predictive control applied to electrical neurostimulation in pain treatment

 Max Sibeijn

(graduated September 2021)

M.Sc. in Systems and Control

Delft University of Technology


A time-reversed model selection approach for time-series forecasting

Ishita Rai Bansal

(graduated July 2021)

M.Sc. in Systems and Control

Delft University of Technology


Spatiotemporal model-based filtering of resting-state blood-oxygen-level-dependent signal

Orlando Romero

(graduated August 2020)

M.Sc. in Industrial and Management Engineering

Industrial and Systems Engineering Department, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute


Optimal sensor and actuator selection: algorithms and performance guarantees


Pedro Rocha

(co-advised with A. Pedro Aguiar and Paula Rocha, graduated October 2014)

M.Sc. in Electrical and Computer Engineering 

Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto


Output selection for large-scale structural systems: a matroid theory approach

Guilherme Ramos

(co-advised with A. Pedro Aguiar, graduated December 2013)

M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics

Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto


Structural hybrid systems

B.Sc. students

Sam Siamak Farkhooi

(Spring 2023)

B.Sc. in Mathmatics

Uppsala University


Control perspective on distributed optimization

Obbe J. Ordelman

(Fall 2021)

B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering

Delft University of Technology


Optimization of lunar lander control system using reinforcement learning

Femke de Ridder

(Fall 2021)

B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering

Delft University of Technology


Optimization of lunar lander control system using reinforcement learning

Rens van der Geest

(Fall 2021)

B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering

Delft University of Technology


Optimization of lunar lander control system using reinforcement learning

Marc Blom

(Fall 2021)

B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering

Delft University of Technology


Optimization of lunar lander control system using reinforcement learning

Rik de Haan

(Fall 2021)

B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering

Delft University of Technology


Optimization of lunar lander control system using reinforcement learning

Andrew Chafy

(from Fall 2019 to Summer 2020)

B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute


Controlling Lego-Robots using brainwave predictions

Chuizheng Kong

(from Spring 2018 to Summer 2020)

B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute


 Quantifying Alertness

(in collaboration with Lighting Research Center)

 Ana Gabriela Duque

(from Fall 2018 to Fall 2020)

B.Sc. in Industrial and Systems Engineering

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute


Re-thinking fast-fashion industry and materials towards sustainability

(co-Advised with Prof. Jennifer Pazour)

Aleisha Ramos

(from Fall 2019)

B.Sc. in Industrial and Systems Engineering

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute


Re-thinking statistics in engineering programs -- Introduction to data science in engineering

Sami Laput

(from Fall 2019)

B.Sc. in Industrial and Systems Engineering

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute


Re-thinking statistics in engineering programs -- Introduction to data science in engineering

Danielle Rodriguez

(from Fall 2018, and Fall 2019)

B.Sc. in Industrial and Systems Engineering

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute


Re-thinking statistics in engineering programs -- Introduction to data science in engineering

John Kongtcheu

(from Fall 2019)

B.Sc. in Electrical and Computer Engineering

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute


 Developing new prediction schemes for brain-computer interfaces

Sarah Haslam

(Fall 2018)

B.Sc. in Electrical and Computer Engineering

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute


Assessing Epilepsy Dynamics

Daniel Cellic

(Fall 2018)

B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute


Modeling and Control using Bifurcation Theory

Tianrui (Elizabeth) Wang

(Spring 2018)

B.Sc. in Bioinformatics and Molecular Biology

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute


Structural and functional dependencies in Alzheimer's disease

Emily Stiklickas

(Fall 2017)

B.Sc. in Biomedical Engineering

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute


Insights on Neurotechnology from a CPS perspective

Brianna Gallo

(Fall 2016)

B.Sc. in Electrical and Systems Engineering

University of Pennsylvania


A data-driven coupled Epileptor: quantifying the qualitative behavior of epileptic seizures

(co-advised with George J. Pappas)

Colin Luzzi

(Fall 2015)

B.Sc. in Electrical and Systems Engineering

University of Pennsylvania


On the interplay between micro-mesoscopic dynamic epileptic networks

(co-advised with George J. Pappas)

 Rachel Warren

(Fall 2015)

B.Sc. in Electrical and Systems Engineering

University of Pennsylvania


A data-driven coupled Epileptor: quantifying the qualitative behavior of epileptic seizures

(co-advised with George J. Pappas)